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Termageddon for Policies on Your Web Site 

I use Termageddon because it is important that all websites have policies posted on every site. Some are required by law and some are just good to have if you are in business or sharing public information. I am not a lawyer so I  turned to trusted professionals at Termageddon who have created a easy way to meet requirements to comply with the ever changing laws to offer a service that I can afford. I trust Hans and Donata for keeping my sites compliant with the ever changing laws and regulations.

Termageddon is a generator of policies for websites and applications. When the law changes, so do the policies, keeping your company protected and allowing you to focus on more important things. I include a subscription to Termageddon on all of the sites that I create and manage because it is that good.

For transparency I am an affiliate of Termageddon and might earn a small tip for recommending Termeddon. I only recommend those products and services that I personally use and trust. You can of course find and choose other options for policies for your site.  I know that I spent a lot of money in the past buying various template that advertised that they were the policy I needed to have on my site but ended up paying legal fees to approve the content of that purchased template because the laws changes or the wording was not correct for my situation.

Privacy Policies are required by law:

  1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  2. California Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003
  3. California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018
  4. Nevada SB 220, which amends the NRS 603A.340

While there are lots of choices to choose from I recommend Termageddon as the tool to use to keep your site updated. This video below says it better than I can.




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