When I build a website for a customer, I always include the plugin called SeedProd Coming Soon. This plug-in offers an easy way to allow working on the site in the back end while showing a public page that tells visitors that the site is under construction, is getting updates or is not available at the moment.
There is a free version and a paid pro version of this plugin. All of the the customers I work with have the pro-version installed and activated for their site as part of working with me. This is a value worth $124.00 for every year that is included with all of my contracts for services.
I recommend every web site have a “coming soon” or parked page. There are lots of plug-ins available to chose from to accomplish this. Over the years I think I have tried most of them. I remain committed to SeedProd for the ease of using it, great coding, lack of conflicts, and great features and support that comes included with the plug-in.
It remains on my “recommended list” and is included in the “stack” that I used for creating a web site.
I am proud to be an affiliate for this plug-in because of the value it adds to sites. If you make a purchase of the pro version I may earn a small commission (full affiliate transparency).