Learning HTML Coding


I often get asked for help from new web developers who want to improve their skill and knowledge about coding.  HTML and CSS are the basics that need to be mastered.

#30DaysofHTML ended its first run on April 30 as a free email subscription. However, it’s now available on demand, whenever you want to start, right from Day 1.
Get the FREE email course at Gumroad

I highly recommend Jen Kramer and have followed her courses and publications ever since meeting this excellent teacher and trainer in person. Back in 2008 I was hacking hand coded websites built in Joomla and met Jen Kramer in person at a conference and in a Joomla User Group (that was before WordPress was so popular).
I am so happy that I met this wonderful, knowledgeable and fun loving person who I have followed ever since. You should follow her too.

After teaching web design as a Lecturer at Harvard University Extension School for the past 9 years, Jen’s last day is on June 30. (downsized like so many other college instructors and staff). Jen is a 2018 winner of Harvard’s Shattuck Excellence in Teaching Award and has over 20 years of experience in teaching and coding HTML, CSS, user experience, content management systems, and instructional design. She has deep experience with in-person, hybrid, and online instruction, both synchronous and asynchronous formats. She’s written 3 books, recorded close to 60 video training courses at LinkedIn LearningFrontend Masters, and others. She’s also presented nearly 100 conference workshops and talks. She’s open to full-time, part-time, and contract work. I have taken several of her courses and learned so much from her. I am sure you will benefit too!

Jen Kramer and Erika Lee have recently offered a free course on HTML called 30DaysofHTML by email.  You can sign up for the next free email course at Gumroad in the link below. Or you can just sign-up for the e-book now (link below)

Expand your HTML repertoire, including element names, required and common attributes, example code, and links to more learning. Bundled and organized from the #30DaysofHTML email course run in April 2021.

Get the FREE email course at Gumroad

Pre-order the #30DaysofHTML e-book

Erika and Jen are assembling all #30DaysofHTML into an e-book format.
You may pre-order it, and we’ll email it to you as soon as it’s ready! (We anticipate this will be no later than June 30.)

Pre-order the #30DaysofHTML e-book


Erika Lee and Jen Kramer are both finishing up the spring term at their respective universities. They anticipate assembling the e-book first, then plotting their next email course.



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